Monday, May 25, 2009

Pink or Blue?

Is it a boy or girl? Well the short answer is, we don't know! We've decided to not find out the sex of our baby, until delivery of course. My husband jokes when people ask if we are having a boy or girl by replying "we don't care as long as it is one of the two"! And the truth is we really don't care. Now being the planner that I am it is tempting to find out the sex for decorating and clothing shopping purposes. And picking out names for the baby can be a little more involved. But really, does the baby care if their nursery is pink with floral patterns or blue with trucks & trains? Don't they live in one-sies for the first few months anyway? I've always felt as though having a few names in the que is a good idea but waiting to pick the actual name when you meet him or her is best. How many truly wonderful surprises do we have in life where either way the outcome is desirable? Not many, so we are waiting despite all of our friends' and family's dismay.

Now don't get me wrong I understand that curiosity kills the cat and some couples just HAVE to know. I understand and appreciate their reasons & respect the fact that the only true way to tell is through ultrasound or amnioscentesis. However, there is something to be said for mother's intuition. I, for instantce, am totally conviced that this baby is a boy. Now I haven't laid on the bed with a penny dangling from a string over my belly, & I can't tell if I am carrying high, low, all out front, or wide. And, our baby's heartbeat varies depending on if he/she is resting or active. Truly, I have absolutely no reason to think one way or the other aside from the fact that I just have this innate instinct that this little being is male. I asked Dr. B if there is anything to the wives tales or to mother's intuition. He did a study on 2,000 women, during his training, looking at whether or not the baby's heart rate was indicative of sex (the old wives tale says slow heart beats are boys and fast heart beats are girls). Simultaneously, he asked every woman if they had an instinct as to what their baby's sex was. What he found was that the heart rate WAS NOT statistically significant, but that the woman's instinct WAS statistically significant. So the old wives tales are probably just wives tales, but there IS something to be said for instinct.

With all that being said we joke that because we feel so strongly that this baby is a boy it is probably a girl! So we are going with a bright colored, unisex nursery, yellow & green one-sies, and a variety of names to choose from until October!

Here is a video from our 20 week ultrasound. My Mom said it looks like the baby is drinking a beer, clearly a boy taking after his father. Really, baby is just sucking his thumb!


  1. So sweet. A little thumbsucker. Thanks for sharing :)


  2. ah! i was going to ask you what you were having but it looks like we'll have to wait.... :-) how exciting to not know! something i shall never experience with a husband who reads the ultrasound faster than the tech :-) hope you are resting well!!!! julie

  3. Ted and I are in AHHHH of your video. We love you guys and the little one in your belly. (hill)


A pregnancy blog with a twist.

If you start from my first entry "The Beginning" you will hear about my life's tragedy.  Out of the ashes of this terrible experience I have formed a whole new outlook on pregnancy.  Throw away the pregnancy books, stop worrying and complaining about pregnancy symptoms, forget about the multi-billion dollar pregnancy & baby industry and simply enjoy the miracle of creating life.  I plan to write about this pregnancy process from a new perspective.  A wiser, more thankful, and hopefully not too jaded perspective.  Since I wouldn't wish my tragedy on my worst enemy I hope that women can learn from my experience and perhaps view their own pregnancies in a slightly different light.  Enjoy!  And, happy miracle making!